Sandra Dutton
Coming April 2025
“Baseball is a magical time machine, connecting now with then and people with very different skills. With her new book, Sandra Dutton waves a wand.”
— John Thorn, official historian of Major League Baseball
“ ‘A Wheelchair That Flies’ takes us into the heart of true magic, on beyond impossible wishes. A story told in poems and oh-so-evocative watercolors, we fly along, too.”
— Charlotte Agell, author and illustrator of ‘Maybe Tomorrow?’
“In ‘A Wheelchair that Flies,’ Sandra Dutton manages a feat that all readers will appreciate: infusing the tale with a wit and whimsy that is often sadly lacking in this type of book, while also acknowledging the reality that it is not possible to remove all suffering from the world. Children will delight in the bright illustrations and the way she turns the tables of the usual paradigm by letting the child teach the adult how to navigate a challenging world.”
— Amy MacDonald, author of ‘Little Beaver and the Echo‘
“ ‘A Wheelchair That Flies‘ celebrates disability autonomy and self-direction in ways never captured by traditional fairy godmother stories. Readers will fall in love with Daniel for his confidence, passion, and absolute comfort in his skin. They will empathize with the adorable and fallible Lily, Daniel’s fairy godmother. And they will be reminded that wishes, like people, hold unique and precious to the individual.”
— Emily Wolinsky, president of NMD United
About the Book
Lily, a newly minted fairy godmother, thinks she knows it all. But she has much to learn when she meets Daniel, a boy in a wheelchair who loves baseball and teaches her about friendship, wisdom, and the magic of flying machines.

Sandra Dutton on painting and more, When the Moon Sings, April 6, 2024

Beth Logan, “Sandra Dutton: Energy, Obsessions, and Discoveries,” Connect Savannah, September 13, 2022
About the Author
Sandra Dutton is a writer, artist, and playwright who was born in Springfield, Missouri, grew up in Norwood, Ohio, and has lived in California, Kentucky, New York, Maine, and Savannah.
She has published poetry and essays as well as six books for children, including Dear Miss Perfect: A Beast’s Guide to Proper Behavior and Mary Mae and the Gospel Truth. Both of these received starred reviews, and the latter was recommended by the National Center for Science Education.
She also wrote the book and lyrics and designed the scenery for her musical, Just a Matter of Time, which debuted in Times Square, New York, and which she directed at the Bridge Street Theatre in Catskill to sold-out audiences.
Most recently, Sandra is the author of A Wheelchair That Flies, a novel in verse that she illustrated. It features Lily, a newly-minted fairy godmother, and Daniel, a boy in a wheelchair who loves baseball.
Sandra has a Ph.D. in rhetoric and composition and a B.A. in fine arts. Her paintings were the subject of a feature story by Beth Logan in Connect Savannah, and she has had one-woman shows at the Taylor Galley and Gallery Espresso in Savannah.
She is married to the writer Wayne Sheridan, and they are happy to make make their home in Savannah.
Books by Sandra Dutton